Board of Directors
The Board of Directors:
John Beresford, M.D. - Secretary. Founded the Agora Scientific Trust to conduct research with LSD in 1961, work which led to many notable names exploring LSD for the first time.
Myron Stolaroff, M.A. - Treasurer.
Residence: Lone Pine, Ca.
Early LSD researcher; industrial consultant and author, has served in senior executive capacities with several corporations and was president of the International Foundation for Advanced Study.
Don Wylie, J.D.
Betty Eisner, Ph.D. -Advisor. A retired clinical psychologist and researcher into the therapeutic potential of LSD, authoring numerous articles on drug-assisted psychotherapy.
Jeremy Tarcher - Advisor.
Residence: Beverly Hills, Ca.
Leading edge publisher, currently divisional CEO of a major, international publishing concern.
Our board is currently short-handed due to the sudden unexpected deaths of Oscar Janiger, M.D., Co-Founder and Chairman, and his wife Kathy Delaney Janiger, President. Dr. Janiger resided in Manhatten Beach, Ca. and was Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, UC Irvine. He was also an author and early LSD research pioneer, active in private practice for many years.
The Foundation intends to expand the board of directors in order to achieve greater overall diversity and to provide the AHF with particular expertise in areas required to meet our goals.
Frank Barron, Ph.D., is Emeritus Professor of Psychology at the University of California at Santa Cruz. One of the early researchers on LSD in the sixties, he is known for his definitive work on creativity, especially in connection with psychedelics. Much loved as a teacher, he also is widely known for his psychometric designs.
Jan Bastiaans, M.D., (deceased) is Chairman of the Department of Psychiatry at the State University of Leyden and a past president of the Dutch Society of Psychiatry and Neurology. From 1961 to 1979 he treated over 300 patients with psychedelics, getting substantially better results than with psychotherapy in difficult cases and added much to the knowledge of skillful treatment.
Peter Baumann, M.D., is the Founder and former President of the Swiss Association of Physicians for Psycholytic Therapy, and a psychiatrist in private practice in Zurich, Switzerland. Dr. Baumann and other members of the Swiss Physicians Association were licensed through the Swiss health authorities to use LSD, Mescaline, Psilocybin and MDMA in psychotherapy from 1986 to 1990.
John Beresford, M.D., founded the Agora Scientific Trust to conduct research with LSD in 1961, work which led to many notable names exploring LSD for the first time. He recently retired from his faculty position at the University of Toronto, Canada, in order to work for people imprisoned because of LSD.
John Buckman, M.D., is the Director of Residency Training in psychiatry for the University of Virginia Hospitals and Vice Chair of the Department of Psychiatric Medicine. He and Dr. Tom Ling conducted some of the earliest research in LSD and psychotherapy, seeing patients at the Marlborough Day Hospital in London, England. Dr. Buckman also conducted preliminary research on Ritalin. He has been active in the American Psychiatric Association, and for many years has been the Virginia representative in the APA Assembly.
Walter Clark, Ph.D., (deceased) was Professor of the Psychology of Religion at Andover Newton Theological School and author of The Psychology of Religion, Chemical Ecstasy, and other works. In 1981 he received the William James Award of the American Psychological Association.
Ram Dass (Richard Alpert, Ph.D.), in conjunction with his research partner Dr. Timothy Leary at Harvard University, did a great deal to popularize psychedelics in the early 1960's. He has become a major figure in the alternative spirituality movement in the United States and abroad. He is a sought after lecturer and the author of several popular books, including Be Here Now, The Only Dance There Is, and with Paul Gorman, How Can I Help?
Betty G. Eisner, Ph.D., a retired clinical psychologist and former Research Associate of the late Sidney Cohen while he was at the Veterans Administration Hospital in Los Angeles worked with Dr. Cohen as a therapist for the first West coast study of the therapeutic potential of SD. She is the author of numerous articles on drug-assisted psychotherapy.
James Fadiman, Ph.D., was a staff member of a California non-profit organization in the 1960's doing legal NIMH-sponsored studies of psychedelics and creative problem solving. His Ph.D. thesis was on the effectiveness of LSD-therapy. He has written a number of books including Exploring Madness, and was the editor of The Proper Study of Man: Perspectives on the Social Sciences. Dr. Fadiman taught at three universities, is on the board of several companies, and is a teacher, consultant and seminar leader.
Allen Ginsberg (deceased) was a potent figure in the cultural revolution of the sixties, and was one of the founding figures of the Beat Generation. He has received numerous honors, including the National Book Award for Poetry, a Guggenheim Foundation Fellowship, National Arts Club Medal, and others. He is a distinguished professor at Brooklyn College and a member of the Executive Board of PEN American Center.
George Greer, M.D., is a practicing transpersonal psychiatrist in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and cofounder of the Heffter Research Institute. He has studied the clinical uses of MDMA and has published a number of articles on this topic, laying the groundwork for other therapists to investigate MDMA.
Lester Grinspoon M.D., is Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, and Editor of the Harvard Mental Health Letter. Dr. Grinspoon is the author of numerous books, including Marihuana Reconsidered, Marijuana: The Forbidden Medicine, and Psychedelic Drugs Reconsidered.
Charles Grob, M.D., is Director of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the Harbor-UCLA Medical Center. In addition, Dr. Grob is principal investigator of the first U.S. FDA - sanctioned research on MDMA with human subjects. He is also currently involved in medical research on Ayahuasca in Brazil.
Stanislav Grof, M.D., Ph.D., is a psychiatrist with more than forty years of experience in research of non-ordinary states of consciousness. He was Principal Investigator in a psychedelic research program at the Psychiatric Research Institute in Prague, Czechoslovakia, Chief of Psychiatric Research at the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, and Scholar-in-residence at the Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California. Currently he is Professor of Psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies, conducts professional training programs in holotropic breathwork and transpersonal psychology, and gives lectures worldwide. He is one of the founders and chief theoreticians of transpersonal psychology and the founding president of the International Transpersonal Association. Among his publications are over 100 papers in professional journals and the books Realms of the Human Unconscious; The Human Encounter with Death (with Joan Halifax); The Adventure of Self-Discovery; Beyond the Brain; Books of the Dead; The Holotropic Mind; The Cosmic Game: Explorations of the Frontiers of Human Consciousness; The Transpersonal Vision; Beyond Death; and The Stormy Search for the Self (the last two with Christina Grof).
Willis Harman, Ph.D. (deceased), is president of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, Sausalito, California, a nonprofit research and educational organization founded to expand knowledge of the nature and potentials of the mind. Author, lecturer, and world traveler, he has written or been editor of numerous books and articles, the most recent being New Metaphysical Foundations of Modern Science and Global Mind Change: The Promise of the Last Years of the Twentieth Century.
Milan Hausner, M.D., is a pioneer of LSD research in Prague, Czechoslovakia. Dr. Hausner was formerly the Medical Director of Sadska Hospital, near Prague, which had one of the largest LSD therapy programs in Europe. He has also served as President of the Czech Psychotherapeutic Society.
Abram Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D., FRCP(C), is a Canadian psychiatrist who together with Humphry Osmond were the Canadian investigators who pioneered the use of psychedelic therapy. They coauthored many books including The Hallucinogens, The Chemical Basis of Clinical Psychiatry, How to Live with Schizophrenia, and dozens of research reports. Abram Hoffer has published twenty books, over 600 papers, is editor of The Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, president of the Canadian Schizophrenia Foundation, and is actively practicing orthomolecular psychiatry in Victoria, British Colombia.
Albert Hofmann, Ph.D., in whose honor the Albert Hofmann Foundation is named, is the retired Director of the Pharmaceutical-Chemical Research Laboratories, Natural Products Department, Sandoz Ltd. of Basel, Switzerland. His field of activity was investigations on the active principles of medicinal plants, such as ergot, scilla maritima, digitalis, and rauwolfia, which yielded valuable medicaments such as Methergin, Hydergin, and Dihydergot. He also studied the magical plants of the Indians of Mexico, including the mushroom Teonanacatl and the morning glory Ololiuqui. He is well known for his synthesis of LSD and Psilocybin. He has published more than 100 articles in professional journals and several books, including Die Mutterkornalkaloide, LSD-My Problem Child, Insight-Outlook, The Botany and Chemistry of Hallucinogens, Plants of the Gods with Richard E. Schultes, and The Road to Eleusis with R. Gordon Wasson and C.A.P. Ruck. He is a Fellow Member of the World Academy of Art and science, Honorary Member of the American Society of Pharmacognosy, and Honorary Member of the Society for Medicinal Plant Research.
Bo Holmstedt, M.D., is Professor of Toxicology at the Karolinska Institute of Stockholm, Sweden. His major fields of interest are the machanism of action of toxic compounds, physiocochemical methods in determining them, and dependence producing substances. He has been a member of a large number of professional and scientific societies, and has published with coherts almost 300 professional papers.
Jean Houston, Ph.D., with her husband Robert Masters, carried on extensive work with LSD in the early sixties, culminating in their books The Varieties of Psychedelic Experience, soon to be reissued, and Psychedelic Art. . With her husband she heads the Foundation for Mind Research in the state of New York, and co-diects the Human Capacities Training Program. She also leads two schools for the study of psychological and spiritual disciplines, and aids many groups and governments as a consultant in human and cultural development. Her recent books include The Possible Human, The Search for the Beloved, A Passion for the Possible, and A Mythic Life (an autobiography).
Laura Huxley has been a concert violinist, produced documentary films, and was an editor at RKO. She married Aldous Huxley in 1956 and lived with him until he died in 1963. She has worked as a psychological counselor, a lecturer, and is active in several human potential movements. She has written a number of books which focus on the development of psychological freedom, including You Are Not the Target, Between Heaven and Earth, One A Day Reason to Be Happy, The Child of Your Dreams, and This Timeless Moment. In 1977 she founded Children: Our ultimate Investment, a non-profit organization for the 'nurturing of the possible human' which has given several conferences and operates projects with at-risk youths for prevention of teen pregnancy.
Oscar Janiger M.D., (deceased) co-founder of the Albert Hofmann Foundation, served on the faculty of the Psychiatry Department of the UC Irvine School of Medicine for over twenty years. He has maintained a long-standing private psychiatric practice. He is best known for his research work with LSD during the late fifties and early sixties, during which he introduced many well-known literary figures and entertainers to the experience, as well as studying the effect of LSD on creativity in over a hundred artists. He is the author of the recent book A Different Kind of Healing.
Stanley Krippner, Ph.D., is professor of psychology at Saybrook Graduate School and Research Center in San Francisco, California. A member of the advisory board of the Psychedelic Review, his first publications on the subject were chapters in Robert Masters and Jean Houston's 1968 book, Psychedelic Art,, Ralph Metzner's 1968 book, The Ecstatic Adventure,, and Charles Tart's 1969 book, Altered States of Consciousness. With Sidney Cohen, he co-edited a special issue on psychedelic experience in a 1985 issue of The Journal of Psychoactive Drugs. His studies of shamans and shamanism, and the role played by entheogens in this practice, are summarized in his 1992 book, Dimensions of Spiritual Healing. Dr. Krippner is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, the American Psychological Society, the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, and the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality. He has served as president of the Association for Humanistic Psychology, the Association for the Study of Dreams, and the Parapsychological Association.
Igor Kungurtsev, M.D., a pioneer investigator of the psychotherapeutic uses of Ketamine, has been research associate at the Bekhterev Psychoneurological Research Institute in St. Petersburg, Russia, and a psychiatrist in private practice. He is also Vice Chairman of the St. Petersburg Transpersonal Association. Igor Kungurtsev is now Adjunct Professor at the California Institute of Integral Studies.
Hanscarl Leuner, M.D., (deceased) is one of the earliest pioneers of LSD therapy in Europe. Dr. Leuner is Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Gottingen and maintains a private practice in psychiatry and psychoanalysis, where he directs one of the only active Psycholytic treatment centers in the world. Dr. Leuner worked with LSD from 1955 to 1985, and has worked in recent years with Ketamine. Professor Leuner was the Founder and President of the European Medical Association for Psycholytic Therapy. He is also Founder and Director of the European College for the Study of Consciousness. Professor Leuner is the author of the large volume Hallucinogens.
John Lilly, M.D., has led an extremely diversified life which has included being a neurophysiologist, neuroanatomist, biophysicist, computer theorist, dolphin researcher, inventor, drug experimenter, and consciousness explorer. He is the author of many books, including The Center of the Cyclone and The Scientist, hundreds of scientific articles, and was the prototype for two feature films, Altered States and The Day of the Dolphin. He invented the isolation tank in the 1950's, and explored the effects of LSD and Ketamine in the solitude of the tank. His guidelines for using psychedelics appear in his work Programming and Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer.
Olga Luchakova, M.D., Ph.D., has been Senior Research Associate, Pavlov Institute for Neuropsychology in St. Petersburg, Russia. She is an instructor of Raya-yoga and rebirthing, and has helped conduct Ketamine-assisted psychotherapy. She has a particular interest in the spiritual as well as the theraputic aspects of the psychedelic experience.
Arnold J. Mandell, M.D., is a professor at Florida Atlantic University in the Laboratory of Experimental and Constructive Mathematics, Departments of Mathematics and Psychology. He has researched the neurochemical and biochemical correlates of behavior in animals and man.
Robert Masters, Ph.D., began his research with mescaline in 1954, and in the 1960's conducted extensive LSD research in collaboration with his wife, Jean Houston above. Influenced by the work of Alexander, Feldenkrais, and Milton Erickson, Robert Masters has developed a technique of neural and sensory reeducation known as the Masters Psychophysical Method, of which there are now 130 certified practioners. His major innovation has been the integration of trance states with bodywork. He believes that the combination of bodywork with psychedelics is a promising direction for future research. His most recent books include Neurospeak and The Way to Awaken.
Dennis McKenna, Ph.D., for the last twenty years has pursued the interdisciplinary study of ethnomedicine and plant hallucinogens. Dr. McKenna has conducted ethnobotanical studies in the Amazon on the botany, chemistry, and pharmacology of indigenous psychedelic compounds, and has studied receptor pharmacology and the neuropharmacology of hallucinogenic agents. His publications have appeared in numerous journals. He is co-author, with his brother Terence, of The Invisible Landscape: Mind, Hallucinogens, and the I Ching.
Terence McKenna is one of the leading authorities on the ontological foundations of shamanism and the ethno-pharmacology of spiritual transformation, specializing in shamanism and the ethnomedicine of the Amazon Basin. An eloquent and erudite speaker, he has fascinated many audiences. With his brother Dennis he has written The Invisible Landscape and other books; more recently he authored True Hallucinations and Food of the Gods. He is founder of Botanical Dimensions, a botanical garden of plants of ethnopharmacological
relevance based in Hawaii.
Ralph Metzner, Ph.D., has been exploring states of consciousness and transformational practices for over thirty-five years. He is a psychotherapist and professor at the California Institute of Integral Studies, where he teaches courses on consciousness and ecopsychology. His books include Maps of Consciousness, The Well of Remembrance, The Unfolding Self, Green Psychology (1999), and Ayahuasca: Hallucinogens, Consciousness and the Spirit of Nature (1999). He is co-founder and president of the Green Earth Foundation.
Claudio Naranjo, M.D., is a psychiatrist, writer, transpersonal psychotherapist and meditation teacher, and founder of SAT Institute and its therapy training programs. Among his books are The One Quest, On the Psychology of Meditation (with Robert Ornstein), Gestalt Therapy: Attitude and Practice of an Atheoretical Experientialism, Character and Neurosis, Transformation Through Insight and The Healing Journey - in which he introduced the "feeling enhancers" (now called empathogens) and described his clinical research with harmaline mixtures and ibogaine. He was the first Westerner to describe the psychotropic effects of ibogaine - at the 1967 U.C. LSD Conference.
David Nichols, Ph.D., is a Professor of Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology in the School of Pharmacy and Pharmacal Sciences at Purdue University. He has carried out research on centrally active drugs and most of the types of psychedelics for over thirty years. He maintains the only laboratory in the world where research on the structure-activity relationships of psychedelic drugs is a major focus. He carried out the earliest studies on the mechanism of action of MDMA, and has developed numerous molecular probes to study the action of a variety of centrally active drugs, including the psychedelics. He has published over 200 research articles and book chapters, holds several patents, has served on numerous government review committees, and has been funded by government agencies for more than two decades. He was on of the founding members of the Heffter Research Institute, and is currently the president of that organization.
Humphry Osmond, M.D., coined the term psychedelic. Along with his colleague, John Smythies, Osmond described a theory of schizophrenia based upon a Mescaline-like adrenaline-derivative. Aldous Huxley learned of this work and contacted him. Their relationship is described in Osmond's article Aldous Huxley and the Psychedelic Revolution. Dr. Osmond, author of several important works in the field, currently serves as psychiatrist for the Nova Program for chronic schizophrenics at Bryce Hospital in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
Jonathan Ott is a natural product chemist and pharmacological researcher. He has many years of experience in collecting plants in Southern Mexico, where he lives and manages a small natural products laboratory and botanical garden. Jonathan Ott has written eight books, including Pharmacotheon, a definitive volume on psychoactive plants and culture. He has authored several other related texts on visionary plants and also translated Albert Hofmann's autobiography, LSD-My Problem Child. His latest book is Pharmacophilia or The Natural Paradises, which advances a novel theory of inebriation and drug habituation based on the latest findings in ethnobotany, history, linguistics, and neurosciences. He is proprietor of publishing companies in the United States and Spain, and of chemical companies in the United States and Holland.
Christian Ratsch, Ph.D., studied pre-Colombian cultures and languages, cultural anthropology, and folklore in Hamburg. He is the author of several books in German, and is the editor of the tribute to Albert Hofmann's 80th birthday, Gateway to Inner Space. He is also the founder and editor of The Yearbook of Ethnomedicine and the Study of Consciousness, and conducts research into the ethnopharmacology of psychoactive plants and animals in Mexico.
Ronald Sandison, F.R.C. Psychiatry, qualified in medicine in London. As consultant psychiatrist in Powick Hospital near Worcester, England, he pioneered the use and development of psychotherapy with LSD between 1952 and 1965. He treated some 150 patients during that time, and in this work was assisted by Drs. Arthur Spencer and John Whitelaw, both of whom went on to develop their own variant techniques. He introduced the term 'psycholytic' to describe the action of LSD when used as an aid to psychotherapy. This term was adopted by The Psycholytic Society, an international group, as their preferred term for describing the action of LSD in human subjects. His article LSD: Its Rise, Fall and Enduring Value-A New Perspective appeared in Vol. 2, No. 1 of the Albert Hofmann Foundation Bulletin. Dr. Sandison was also featured in the BBC documentary entitled "The Beyond Within: The Rise and Fall of LSD" and in several other televised programs.
Michael Schlichting, M.D., is a physician and associate professor at the Psychotherapeutic and Psychosomatic Section of the Center for Psychological Medicine at the Georg-August University in Gottingen, Germany. He reported with Hanscarl Luener on the 1985 Symposium held On the Current State of Research in the Area of Psychoactive Substances. He is Secretary of the European College for the Study of Consciousness.
Richard Evans Schultes, Ph.D., (deceased) is Jeffrey Professor of Biology and Director of the Botanical Museum of Harvard University (Emeritus). Dr. Schultes, in the tradition of the great botanical explorers, documented native use of medicinal plants in the Amazon. He has reported these explorations in numerous books, including Where the Gods Reign and Vine of the Soul with Robert Raffauf, and Plants of the Gods, with Albert Hofmann.
Alexander Shulgin, Ph.D., has published more than two hundred scientific papers and book chapters on chemistry, physics, botany, and pharmacology. He has been a lecturer at the University of California, Berkeley, the San Francisco Medical School, and others. A leading-edge psychopharmacologist, he has been the originator of nearly 200 psychoactive compounds, the formulation of many of which are presented in Pihkal: A Chemical Love Story, written with his wife Ann. Pihkal (an acronym for Phenethylamines I have Know and Loved) is a milestone of psychopharmacology and psychedelic literature. Their second book Tihkal: The Continuation (Tryptamines I have Known and Loved), extends this presentation into the areas which include DMT, the harmala alkaloids, the Psilocybe mushrooms, and LSD. He has also published The Controlled Substances Act, a thorough and accessible explication of contemporary Federal drug laws.
Ronald Siegel, Ph.D., is Professor of Psychopharmacology at UCLA, and is the author of several books, including Intoxication: Life in Pursuit of Artificial Paradise. He has done extensive field work on animal intoxication and has advised governmental agencies on drug policy.
David Smith, M.D., is founder and Medical Director of the Haight-Ashbury Free Medical Clinic and Associate Program Director of the West Coast Polydrug Abuse Treatment and Research Project. He is also Assistant Professor of Toxicology at the University of California Medical Center, San Francisco. He has served as editor of The Journal of Psychedelic Drugs, and is the author of The New Social Drug: Cultural, Medical, and Legal Perspectives on Marijuana.
Huston Smith, Ph.D., is a retired professor of philosophy and world religions whose major teaching appointments have been at Washington University in St. Louis, M.I.T., Syracuse University, and the University of California, Berkeley. His ten books - the best know of which is The World's Religions-include Forgotten Truth which has a long appendix summarizing Stanislav Grof's work on the therapeutic use of psychoactive agents. His latest book, tentatively titled Entheogens and the Future of Religion is scheduled for publication by Tarcher/Putnam early in the year 2000.
Myron Stolaroff, M.A., received his M.A. degree in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University. In 1961 he founded the International Foundation for Advanced Study in Menlo Park, California, where research was conducted with LSD and Mescaline for three and a half years, resulting in a number of published papers. He subsequently conducted two decades of research on promising phenethylamines. He has written two books, Thanatos to Eros: Thirty-five Years of Psychedelic Exploration, and The Secret Chief: Conversations with a Pioneer of the Underground Psychedelic Therapy Movement, as well as several published papers in the field of psychedelics.
Charles Tart, Ph.D., one of the leading authorities on transcendental states of consciousness, is Professor Emeritus of Psychology at the University of California, Davis and a Professor on the Core Faculty at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology in Palo Alto, California. He is also the editor of Altered States of Consciousness: A Book of Readings and the author of States of Consciousness, On Being Stoned: A Study of Marijuana Intoxication, Transpersonal Psychologies, Waking Up, and many other books and articles.
Thomas Ungerleider, M.D., is a Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry at the UCLA Medical Center. He has performed extensive work in the area of alcohol and substance abuse, including the adverse effects of psychedelic substances. He treats those with substance abuse disorders, has researched some of the medical uses of smoked marijuana and oral THC, and was a Presidential Appointee to the National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse [Nixon].
Andrew Weil, M.D. is an internationally recognized expert on drugs and addiction, medicinal plants, alternative medicine, and the reform of medical education. After completing a medical internship and a year with the National Institute of Mental Health, his first book, The Natural Mind, was published in 1972. As a Fellow of the Institute of Current World Affairs, he traveled widely in North and South America and Africa collecting information on drug use in other cultures, medicinal plants, and alternative methods of treating disease. He spent the years 1971 to 1984 on the research staff of the Harvard Botanical Museum and conducted investigations of medicinal and psychoactive plants. At present he is Director of the Program in Integrative Medicine of the College of Medicine, University of Arizona, the first effort to change medical education to include information on alternative therapies, mind/body interactions, healing, and other subjects not currently emphasized in the training of physicians. He has a general practice in Tucson, Arizona, and is the founder of the Foundation for Integrative Medicine and editor-in-chief of that journal. He is the author of many scientific and popular articles and of seven books, including the international bestsellers Spontaneous Healing and Eight Weeks to Optimum Health. He publishes a monthly newsletter, and is a frequent guest on talk shows and TV programs.
Richard Yensen, Ph.D., is a psychologist who participated in LSD research at the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center in Baltimore. He studied psychedelic shamanism in Mexico and has taught at several eastern medical schools. He and his wife Donna Dryer are co-investigators in the only FDA-approved research project involving LSD and psychotherapy. He is the author of many papers on the understanding, classification, and application of psychedelic substances.
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