LSD-25 Helps Schizophrenic Children
By Bender L, Goldschmidt L, Siva DV
American Druggist 1962

Reviewed by Alex Pearlstein

14 children under the age of 11 and diagnosed with Schizophrenia were treated using LSD. After 6 weeks of increasing dosages they showed improved ability to interact with their parents as well as the other children. The physicians noted that the children appeared brighter eyed and interested in their environment.

At the end of this study the physicians concluded the following;

LSD-25 produced some favorable responses with the severely disturbed children.
The drug did not produce any severe side effects, toxicity, or untoward responses.
The children were generally happier during their treatments.
The drug reduced the children's' hostility.
The physical condition of the children tended to improve.

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